If you guys know me well, you'll know my memory isn't very good. I can remember faces (I
never forget a face, a fact I'm very proud of) but not
things. And, naturally, after investing in a full-impact gaming computer, my poor old laptop (from which this message is coming from) has been neglected. And not just in the 'I found someone better' sense. In a password sense aswell. So, having spent a good 6 hours of my Christmas Eve hacking into the laptop (I believe I've learned several things today; how to hack, how to understand certain filetypes and not to forget your password!) I came to find something rather interesting. Unused Fierce graphics. Naturally, I have no need for them, and thought that as they will never see the light of day otherwise, I'd show you guys. So, enjoy, and have a very merry Christmas!
May your holidays be bright, and your
2011 be
How amazing :)